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Cloaker's Safe Class Manager Application


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Name: Cloaker

Current Rank: LR

Time in Research: 2 months

Why do you believe you should be in Research Command, and what can you bring to the table that others can't? (150 word requirement):

I think I could bring a lot to research as a whole, I am extremely active, I haven't played on research as much as I would've liked to last week, but now I can be as active as I was before. I'm a good role model for other members of research as I have a firm understanding of the SOP and MOTD, I'm capable of helping people that are new to research in a friendly and professional manner. I can provide input to suggestions and discussions swiftly, precisely, and to the best of my ability, I would help enforce the MOTD/SOP in research as well, there have been multiple times I've seen a researcher do something that completely violates the SOP/MOTD and in those cases, I've made sure to report them to command members with clear and precise evidence. I make suggestions when I see something that can be improved on, an example of this would be my suggestion for Security NCOs to get level 3 keycards and for Class-D with keycard crackers out to be KOS, both of these have been accepted and are in the work of being added to the server, this is just from me playing on Security, now the I'm playing on research more again suggestions are sure to come in that will benefit both the server and research and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I could bring the research and don't forget grading test logs :3.

What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

I'll always do the best that I can to improve research and increase activity, some things I'd do would be hosting game nights so we can all laugh and have fun together, host lots of PTs like Team Death Match, deathrun, and etc. When it comes to mass-tests I'd like to start hosting mass-tests on more uncommon SCPs that are very fun to test on but people just haven't really heard about an example of this would be an SCP like SCP-087. I would make sure everyone is enjoying their time on research and help them if they have any questions, I try to be as active as I can be to make other people try to be as active as they can be. I would also help people with RRA and if possible help create the new research training video, and do prize pools to encourage people. The last thing is that I would make sure that everyone is having an amazing time because that is what we're for after all, to RP and have fun!

Edited by Cloaker

local teenage father :3

Retired: ci ddop cloaker s1mp

Ex Senior Moderator

Ex Event Team

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