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Medication tests on SCP-682


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Name: Dylan Elder 
Rank: Lead Researcher
SCP: SCP-682

Question / Idea: To see what would happen if we gave SCP-682 some drugs which will be zolpidem,flunitrazepam,laxative,prozacby,and benzodiazepines.
Background Research: SCP-682 is a hard to destroy reptile and has regenerate capability and seems to not be able to be killed.  

Zolpidem: I think when 682 takes zolpidem he will pass out for awhile.

Flunitrazepam: When 682 eats the flunitrazepam he might be unable to move and forget what happened which could be useful.

Laxative: I kind of wanna see if 682 is able to have bowel movements since we never see if he does.

Prozac: Maybe it can cure his anger if we keep on giving him prozac.

Benzodiazepines: Hopefully it will calm down 682 to cause less escapes.

Observations (What Happened During Test): 

Zolpidem: We got a D-class and made him take two entire bottles of zolpidem and before overdosing we put him in 682 chamber and then 682 killed and ate the D-class. When two hours passed it looked like 682 was getting weak and started to fall asleep but would wake up when his face would go below the acid. 682 did get under the acid and fell asleep but after five minutes he woke up and was still tired for five more hours and returned back to normal behave after the five hours.

Flunitrazepam: We had a D-class take two bottles worth of flunitrazepam and then put into 682s chamber where he ate the D-class. When eaten after 30 minutes he started to stop moving and when another D-class went in there to touch 682 nothing happened and then samples of 682 was taken. After four hours  he woke up and didn't remember what happened and doesn't remember that he ate a D-class and acted this way for the rest of the day but returned to normal behavior the next day.

Laxative: We gave D-class two bottles of laxative and then shoved into 682s chamber to be eaten. When consumed by 682 ad when the laxative started to take effect it seemed like 682 started to look like he was have stomach problems and then started to bloat. After two more hours 682 exploded and sent chunks of himself everywhere and cursed anyone who took part in this and it seemed like there where no fecal matter anywhere.

Prozac: When a D-class was given two bottles worth of prozac and put into 682s chamber to eat it seemed that nothing happened for almost two hours until 682 would not stop vomiting blood and other liquid which could not identified as it mixed in with the acid before we could drain it to get some samples.

Benzodiazepines: When a D-class was given two bottles worth of benzodiazepines and was feed to 682. When an hour passed it looked like 682 started to have side effects of benzodiazepines and was much more aggressive and started to try and break out in which the three MTF shot him with tranqs and put him to sleep and we stopped testing for fear of 682 breaching.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 

Zolpidem: It seemed like 682 did get under the effects of zolpidem but it didn't last very long but did make him tired and that could be useful.

Flunitrazepam: When 682 ate the D-class full of flunitrazepam we were able to basically tranq him but it seemed like he did not remember what happened before and during when he given flunitrazepam.

Laxative: Well it seems like 682 doesn't have a digestive track and will just explode from laxative as it might be able to go anywhere.

Prozac: It seemed 682 gets some nasty side effects of prozac and vomits what might be in his stomach.

Benzodiazepines: Well the side effects of this medication will never be tried again as it just makes682 more aggressive. 

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: 

Zolpidem: I was sort of right as he did pass out but I thought 682 would pass out a lot longer that what he did.

Flunitrazepam: I was fully correct as he didn't move and did forget what happened and was like that for a while too.

Laxative: Well it shows he doesn't have any bowel movement and just explodes which was unexpected 

Prozac: It didn't even come close to curing his anger it just made him vomit a lot and be anger after.

Benzodiazepines: This did the exact opposite of what I was hoping for but it shows that he does take side effects of medication and some anti-anger meds could work on 682.

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Grade score: 80/100
Grade Class: Thamiuel
Overall Grade: Exceeds expectations.
Notes: Super creative test idea, Only reason this isn't a 90+ is due to the fact that the test log is a bit short in some areas, And the fact that there is no visual recording or pictures or formatting, Other then that; Outstanding work!

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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