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Toasty Event Team Application v2Denied


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1 Week


East coast, EST

8/10 I watch videos and read into the lore of SCP all the time, I find it really fascinating. I know most SCPs people talk about just not their numbers.

7/10 I’m usually playing this server later in the day after I’m back from the gym. I log in usually 6-7pm and log off at 2-4am. I’m on all day on Wednesday and Sunday 

I don’t have experience hosting events on public servers but I do when it comes to private events for me and my friends in private servers

I enjoy making games fun for people and being apart of the community making new friends. I believe that if I were to be accepted into event team I would be able to make events that the players would enjoy. I get on every day and talk with a lot of different people and I’ll be able to create the events from suggestions that people I play with make. I’ll make events based on SCPs that aren’t in the server yet like SCP 2552 Cthulhu and SCP 3008 Infinite IKEA. If I were to be accepted in event team I will be able to use my creative mind to create events for everyone. I will do my best to communicate with the other event team members to create the best experience for players old and new to the server. I really hope you accept me into event team, I really think this will be a great experience for me.

 I  would make a event where SCP 2662 Cthulhu was destroying everything and everyone has to work together to stop him. I think SCP 3008 infinite IKEA would be cool too, I would make it like how the infinite staircase works that it will keep teleporting you to a certain point so it seems to be infinite, it be cool if a group of mtf went in to explore it and got lost so the scientists have to think of a way to extract the lost people in the IKEA. Perhaps the people that got out became insane and start to make trouble for the foundation. A event not based on SCP I would like to make is sports events like soccer or basketball. 

Yes I read over the guidelines 

my favorite SCP is SCP 5031. I like how 5031 started as a ruthless monster killing everything to a monster that enjoys cooking and music all because it didn’t know any better and was taught how to be nice.

Former: O5-10 "The Mad General" / SCP-RP Head Admin / CI 2LT / Security CPT

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