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Ponik - Lieutenant Application


Should I be a Lieutenant?  

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  1. 1. Should I be a Lieutenant?

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Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant 

In-Game Name: Ponik

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:165374345

Current Rank: Sergeant Major

How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 months

What timezone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?: 2 https://imgur.com/a/OuVTsJh

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I should be promoted because I believe that I am ready for LT. There are several reasons why I should be promoted to LT.  To start, my dedication and time commitment to PD. I try my best to be on PD as much as I can. I am on most evenings EST time and do my best to especially be on when there is a cadet that needs training or when there is a need for a supervisor. Even if I don’t really have the time to be on, if I see there is a cadet that hasn’t been trained, I get on and train them. I do my best to ensure that I am respectful to all the people in Gaminglight. Whether citizens or fellow GOV or my commanding officers. I make sure to not break any rules or policies that are in place. And I always make sure that I make my time on PD productive. Whether it be training new cadets, field training new ofc’s with ride alongs, reminding other officers if there are things, I spot that are violations, patrol on the street to keep Rockford safe, and do my best to leave a positive impact in this city. I try my best to show the citizens, that PD is there to keep them safe, which is why I show every person I deal with my best respect. I also believe I have the leadership skills and knowledge to be a LT. I have been SM for more than 3 months and a supervisor in general even longer and believe I presented good supervisory skills that I have picked up during my journey up the ranks, by listening in on how command deal with situations and learning from them. I truly learned a ton of new skills during the lower ranks and believe I am ready to expand my career into the low command area. As a LT I plan on ensuring that the policies of training cadets and field training new OFC’s is always taken seriously and properly. I am big on proper training because those are the officers that will respond to calls with us. I will ensure that all the rules are properly followed on PD by every officer I am supervising as an LT. I also will offer my undivided commitment and time dedication to PD just as I have in the past. I will continue to be very mature just as I have been from the day that I became a cadet, which was nearly a year ago. I will try to be the best LT that I can be and will do anything in my power to leave a positive impact on all my fellow gov and citizens just as I have been doing. I will be as active as I possibly can and do my best to ensure that we all have a great time on policerp. Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

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