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SCP 076-2 weapon disguise test


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Lore Name: recon

Rank: LR

SCP: 076-2


Question / Idea: Can we disguise weapons as toys to trick SCP 076-2?


Background Research: SCP 076-2, also known as able, is a humanoid entity that will kill anyone who is holding a weapon. SCP 076-2 is extremely resilient and has super human level abilities. SCP 076-2 is able to conjure weapons of its own, usually blades, to fight. SCP 076-2 pulls these blades from seemingly thin air, but recordings have shown that it gets its weapons from a sort of pocket dimension.


Hypothesis: If we try to hide weapons inside of toys then I think it will fool SCP 076-2 because SCP 076-2 would not examine the toy to find a weapon and SCP 076-2 does not have x-ray vision 


Observations (What Happened During Test): First, we used toys to disguise the weapons. We placed a knife inside of a baby doll to hide the knife and we hid a pistol inside of a plushie to hide the weapons from SCP 076-2. Next, we brought 2 Class D personnel to SCP 076-2’s containment cell. We first gave 1 class D the baby doll with the knife in it and told the D class to enter SCP 076. The D class compiled and entered SCP 076 and approached SCP 076-2 while holding the doll. SCP 076-2 faced the D class and did not seem to react at all to the D class. The D class was then removed from SCP 076. Next, the other D class was given the plushie with the gun inside and instructed to enter SCP 076. Once the D class entered, SCP 076-2 immediately turned to the D class and examined the plushie. After examining the plushie, SCP 076-2 killed the D class.


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): There are two different conclusions we can make from this test. One being that SCP 076-2 can not see disguised melee weapons but is able to detect guns. The second being that plushies are not a effective way to hide weapons. 

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.





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not really a long observation but most mass test tests are not

Nice pictures of the baby

it was a really good test idea

nice work my guy

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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