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Interview with SCP 682


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Date of Interview: 2/8/21


Topic of Interview: Questions for SCP 682


Notes Pre-Interview: SCP 682 is a massive indestructible beast that should be destroyed as soon as possible. SCP 682 resembles that of a large crocodile with human level intelligence. SCP 682 will kill any and all life it comes by. SCP 682 is difficult to destroy because of its incredible adaptability. Clearance for this interview has been given by Research Administrator {Tomato}


Interviewer: recon


Interviewee: SCP 682



Q: What is your opinion on the foundation?

A: I hate them. They are always trying to contain me, capture me, kill me.


Q: Is there anyway that you would not hate the foundation?

A: If they let me go


Q: So if you were out in the wild you wouldn’t hate the foundation?

A: Yea I wouldn’t hate them if they just let me out free


Q: If you were out free in the wild, what would you do?

A: I’d go slaughter an entire city


Q: What is your main goal in life?

A: To kill any humans on this planet and all life


Q: What's stopping you from doing that right now?

A: This foundation


Q: Do you think that humans are superior to you?

A: I am the superior. I can kill all of you given enough time


Q: Why do you hate humanity?

A: I’ve always hated humans. Anything that is in my way I would eat it, kill it, and slaughter it.


Q: Do you wish to end all life?

A: Yes I do, but not SCP 079.


Q: Are you afraid of anything? SCPs? Lifeforms? 

A: Just SCP 173. It would destroy me.


Q: Do you have any remorse for the people you kill?

A: No.


Q: Do you feel remorse at all? 

A: I only feel remorse for SCP 079.


Q: Are there any other beings like yourself?

A: We’re all scattered around the world, we just need to find each other


Q: So there are more beings like you?

A: Yes but there are so few of us.


Q: Do they look anything like you or are they all different

A: We are all the same.


Q: What is your opinion on SCP 343? He claims to be an all powerful god but do you think you are more powerful than him?

A: I think I’m more powerful than him. His ego is too much out of this world because he keeps calling himself a god.


Q: Do you think there is anything in this universe that is superior to you?

A: Nothing



Conclusion: Coexisting with SCP 682 is completely impossible. The beast itself stated that there is nothing humans can do to stop it from killing everyone. SCP 682 has a special relationship with SCP 079. Use of SCP 079 to convince SCP 682 to do things is a great idea. An example could be giving SCP 682 time to talk with SCP 079 if SCP 682 complies for a test. SCP 682 claims that there are more beings like it. Securing these new SCP 682 specimens should be a top priority to ensure the safety of the world. SCP 682 has stated that SCP 173 would be able to destroy it. Cross testing with SCP 173 and SCP 682 should be a good test to see if SCP 173 could defeat SCP 682.





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a very nice interview

a video with dialogue as well 

nice to see 682 getting some tests on him now

nice job

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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