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An unfortunate Cross test 457 & 513

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Name: Zack Corbin
Current Rank: AR
Who else was with you?: GenSEC Sgt REDACTED & LCPL REDACTED
SCP: 457 & 513
What were you trying to find out? After a success with Last test involving 513 & 049. I decided it would be a good Idea to test 513 with other SCP's. why 457? Mainly due to the fact I had immediate access to him. However my theory is how would he react to 513?
First Notes
Observation 1# He was extremely calm this is a good sign. a very good sign. he seems even cooperative, another good sign.
Observation 2#: This may of been a bad idea. He got hostile upon first ringing the bell. yet he keeps ringing it now! Where going to need to go in and retrieve the bell.
I started off by first making my way all the down into HCZ to grab 513. Spotted no one the entire time no Maintenance no MTF seems everything is going smooth then. I retireved the bell quite easily putting it in a briefcase meant to hopefully keep the bell quiet. I was informed the briefcase was soundproof but I wish not to take chances and so I put extra slowly. I Then made my way into 457's containment and placed the briefcase down onto the table and then quickly left to go obtain two GenSEC's

Retrieving Two GenSEC's was quite easy they both said they where quite bored since D-Block was well maintained and all D-Class were well behaved, a surprise to be sure. Upon informing them of my plans for the experiment they quickly understood and we then went towards the armory to retrieve fire extinguishers. From there I put on a suit to help protect me from 457 incase he got hot.

Entering 457's CC again I noted to myself he was quite calm, very calm in fact I was not sure what I was expecting but he seemed somewhat cooperative when I mentioned a test and some extra oil if he assisted. From there we closed the door behind us and I retrieved 513. 457 seemed intrigued by the item. He remained perfectly still in the middle of the room as I gently placed 513 infront of him, I then proceeded to quickly enter his main CC closing the door behind me.

From there I instructed 457 to Interact with the bell as he saw fit, He would ring the bell once. then again, then again! every time he rang the bell he was seemingly getting more and more agitated! Then without zero warning he combusted into flames quickly reducing said flames then combusting again attempting to grab whatever little oxygen he could! He acted more irrationally more violently as he began ringing the bell again and again. when that seemed to fail on whatever he was trying to do he threw the bell at the observation window multiple times. I realized that things had gone way to far and I called for the GenSEC guards to assist me in attempting to tame/Restrain 457. 

Upon first opening the door to his CC fire extinguishers at the ready we saw as he charged through the door attempting to breach his CC. We instantly hosed him down as he then fled quickly back into his CC towards the back left side corner of the room. I quickly retrieved the bell and left 457's CC closing it. However. While I seemingly was immune to 513 due to sound proof headphones and even though I warned both GenSEC before hand. They both where also infected by 513, & they're mental state both where dropping at an incredible rate. both already showed signs of suicide as they both pulled weapons on each other due to it being required to terminate anyone infected by 513-1. SGT "Redacted" Got shot multiple times by LCPL "Redacted" He then looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes then shot himself.  

I reported both deaths to GenSEC and they seemed quite annoyed at the ordeal. I however was more worried about 457. If he still sees 513-1 he will most likely attempt to breach again very soon in the future I suggest extra security around his CC for the time being. However the fact that he is effected at all by 513 is interesting. it leads to even more questions on how badly does 513 torment ones mind? More Importantly can it cause the same mental distress to more Dangerous SCP's? I wish to look into this subject further...

Corbin's Post  Report notes: The more I t hink about the more I must take back earlier statements of testing 513 with more dangerous SCP's Especially most of the Keter. I can only fear how they'd react.

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70/100 - Euclid | Test Quality: Meets expectations

Lore 15/25 | Some points off because for one, 457 lore-wise is ALWAYS on fire, never "combusting" into flames, its always on fire. Also I would have liked you to describe his size, 457 gains intelligence the more it grows, since it seems cooperative with the test.

Creativity 10/25  | I can say not many people would consider testing on 457 which does give you some points, however not a really interesting idea in itself.

Presentation 15/25 | The presentation itself is kinda boring, HOWEVER you did separate paragraphs which made it a lot easier to read. I suggest next time color coding certain parts of the test. For example title, green, test blue, conclusion red.

Writing 20/25 | I noticed very minor mistakes made through-out, however some that could be passed by normal readers.

 Foundation Archivist | Operations Supervisor | SCP-RP Senior Admin Forums Diplomat | Support 1 |

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