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Knights 999 Injection test


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Lore Name: Knight
Rank: Researcher
SCP: 999

Question / Idea: would injecting a D-class with some of 999's slime cause them to change either physically or mentally 
Hypothesis: The slime most likely won't do too much but it may have some affects on the mental state

Observations (What Happened During Test): we had three different D-class each injected with different amounts of slime, with 5 ml's of slime the D-class turned hostile, demanding candy and attacking the guard who refused said candy, the D-class was terminated. The second D-class was injected with the same amount in the spine, he went semi-insane trying to tickle everyone and not being able to stop himself, The third D-class that was injected into the neck with the same amount as the past two just kept saying "Candy" in a monotone voice. We then injected the second D-class with another 10ml's of slime only in the ear, he became insane jumping around and asking for candy although he never acted hostile and seemed to calm down when given candy

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 999's DNA and slime may be more than we originally thought
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes... kind of


Item#: 999
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: Free roam
Description. SCP-999 is a large gelatinous ball of slime with the same consistency of peanut butter, it attempts to make those around it as happy as possible and most of the time is very successful 999 does not appear to require any form of nutrition but does seem to enjoy sweet things such as candy. 999 seems to be attracted to those that are upset but unlike many other SCP's he only attracted to them in order to make them feel better.


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