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banned for what seems to me to be no ligit reason- Denied


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Steam Name:  jordan100902

Ingame Name: jordan torres

SteamID: i honsetly dont know what this is im sorry

Ban Length: 7  days 

Admin that Banned you: rookie blue

Reason for Ban: 20 warning threshhold

Dispute: okay so i realize that i did some dumb shit in the past but i wass banned for over a year really missed playing and finally got back to playing the last few days haven't really bother anyone until 2 moderators came up to me and started targeting me so i proceeded to ask them if they were stupid and why two of the community's moderators are trolling they then said "did he call us stupid I'm about to report that " now i have no clue who these guys where i was just looking at cars and then they said that i exceeded my 20 warns  I'm gunna get you banned for 2 weeks which i mean I guess is true but most of them are for more than a year ago and some even for  3 years ago like im not tryna argue with anyone but i really don't cause problems i was just doing my own this i don't really know why i was banned for warns that were 3 years old i feel like these guys had some kind of target on me for no reason i even went back later and apologized to them told them was sorry for calling them stuff but asked why they had to be so rude to me what did i do they then told me i smelled like cheese warned me and then shot me and then came back 5 mins later and mugged me so i just got off cause thats  dumb  and i got back on and was banned for the reason i just said ^^

Edited by jordan100902
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