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294 Drink Test


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In-game Name: Zealous
Rank: MS/Medic

Idea: 294 Drinks Chemical Makeup
Basic Description of what you will do: Attempt to separate the chemical binding of different 294 Drinks
Hypothesis: The Chemical Makeup of 294's Drinks may have an anomalous makeup on the atomic level

Observations (can be a video or audio): {Audio Log 12/19/2020 2:10 PM, Location [DATA LOST]}:{LOG ONE BEGIN}: "Rank: Medical Scientist, Clearance Level: 2, Name: Zealous, Authorization Number: X151-718D-1L82-97W1-0002." "Begin Audio Log~ Today, I will be testing the chemical makeup of several drinks from the entity, SCP-294, Those drinks as follows, Pain, Hoovy, Sadness, Death, Strange Matter, and Painkill. My theory is that said drinks have an anomalous chemical makeup on an atomic level, and my goal is to isolate said anomalous molecule, I for the duration of the test will be using, a Bunsen burner, a medical grade beaker, and a Foundation issued electron microscope." {END AUDIO LOG}

{Date and Time: 12/19/2020, 2:25 PM}~{LOG TWO BEGIN}: "I have begun to observe several changes within the samples, they are becoming less dense and emitting a fume, I will be continuing this experiment with a Fume Hood, the chemical bonds seem to be loosening slightly, but nowhere near enough to be separated by human means, I will continue heating the samples until the makeup separates with ease, I approximate the time to do this will be several more hours from this point on, until then, I will keep monitoring the mixtures for any changes as well as investigate the effects of certain acids on the samples as well as the pH of the solutions on different materials, No further observations for now, update later." {END AUDIO LOG}

{Date and Time: 12/19/2020, 2:46 PM}~{LOG TWO BEGIN}: "At this point the samples have begun breaking up, with a visible decline of mass within the beaker, under a microscope there seems to be no more outlying substances, the chemical makeup seems the be visible somewhat, I will dye the chain for easier sight now. (5 Minute Pause) I have dyed the chain and have taken multiple photos of the sample, it seems to have some sort of energy holding the chain together, I am observing definite anomalous activity within the samples, some more than others, I will attempt to completely isolate the chains from any outlying substances left within the sample, for now, my hypothesis is correct, I have finished my testing." {END AUDIO LOG}

Detailed description of what happened during the test: The samples originally showed no effect to the heating until several minutes in, at that time the sample begun fuming profusely, I then moved it to a fume hood, after a few more minutes a majority of the sample had evaporated off, at that point I was able to separate the chain from the mixture, I will make further tests on this chain to see if it can be utilized for medicinal purposes.

Conclusion: The samples did in fact display anomalous traits after being separated from the solution
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It was in fact correct
What did you learn?: Some drinks from 294 carry anomalous traits
How Can This Benefit Medical?: We can possibly take the anomalous chain from certain healing drinks and attempt to form medical solutions with the new discoveries.

"This is exactly how I wanted to spend my night, endlessly spinning in circles while dancing" -Blackbeard Omi9 CMDR
SM in PD / LCPL in DS / SNR SA in FBI / OFC in SCU


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