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SCP-008 & SCP-049 Cross Test Report

AR James Grant

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Lore Name: James Grant(assistant)  & Lil Alex(test host)

Rank: Associate Researcher

SCP: 049 & 008

Question / Idea: Can SCP-049 cure a patient who has been infected with SCP-008's infection,

Background Research: 049 is a plague doctor who is able to cure near death implications from the bubonic plague. SCP-008 produces an infectious highly toxic gas vapor that permeates through the membranes on ones epidermis. The side effects caused by the infection from the gas resembles "zombie" like characteristics.

Hypothesis: SCP-049 will be able to keep a subject, who has been infected with 008's gas, alive post exposure.

Observations (What Happened During Test): Upon infecting the patient with 008s noxious gas he experienced incredible pain and discomfort, particularly in the groin area. Exclaiming quotes such as “my balls fucking hurt dog!” and many more. The subject seemed to be nearing a state of decease and looked rather worse for wear. At this point the researchers instructed SCP-049 to attempt to “cure” the sick and dying patient. Upon injecting the subject with approximately 2 different syringes with individual elixers/fluids within them, the subject promptly puckered up and stood straight and exclaimed for joy. The patient stated his pain was completely eradicated and he felt “amazing” and “cured”. Upon studying the subject for a matter of time the subject appeared to drop dead in a heartbeat. I predict this to be caused by a master control function from SCP-049’s intellect that allows him to cease organ function on his reanimated corpses.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:  D-Class entering chamber. 049 shown no hostile/malicious intent or action. SCP-049 injected the subject a few times and the subject turned skin color and appearance into a grotesque unhealthy being.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):  The patient was able to withstand his complications from 008’s gas however upon being cured with 049s elixir the subject was only able to withstand roughly 5-10 minutes without suffering lethal complications from 049’s “cure”.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes and no. Subject survived complications from 008 to then in turn be killed by complications from 049’s “cure”.

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nice test idea

good job on making it longer

grammar is good

huge improvement good job

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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