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SCP-1499 Event Test Report

AR James Grant

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Lore Name: James Grant

Rank: Associate Researcher

SCP: 1499 & 1499-1

Question / Idea: How do they act/behave

Background Research: 1499 is a gas mask that injects the user into a false reality that completely makes them dissapear from reality once inside this altered-dimension. Once the user has removed the mask he is instantaneously transported back to reality. The creatures resemble humanoid characteristics. However, the entire body of 1499-1 is composed of an odd unknown substance alongside the copious amounts of matted "fur" on the body. The subject has eyes that resemble an arachnids,  spanning randomly across the frontal lobe area covering the forehead and skull.

Hypothesis: N/A test conducted simply to study and research behavior of 1499-1's.

Observations (What Happened During Test): Upon entering the realm I noticed multiple 1499-1's walking about the terrain. I promptly saw an MTF unit who had also been sucked into this mad dimension pull out a gun to which I observed 1499-1 has an incredible dis-taste in any sort of hostile presence. After recognizing this behavior I proceeded to walk around the terrain nearly mimicking 1499-1s behavior and I was able to blend in with them. They treated me with no hostile intention whatsoever and nearly didnt even notice me, they did however bat a few concerned glances but continued to meander about the realm. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:  Any type of firearm immediately aggravates SCP-1499-1 and any hostile presence is swiftly executed to ensure stability.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-1499's altered-dimension has effects that translate back to reality. The entities within the realm (1499-1) are incredibly hostile to any sort of malicious presence or threat inside the realm. Mimicking their behavior appears to ease them and allow for further studies.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: N/A

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grammar is good

good test idea

made a test about the scp on the wiki and i can see your observations are getting longer good job keep it up

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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