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Listen up soldier!


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Grade: 100/100

Lore: 25/25 I believe 5208 would listen to this as he is sentient but not smart.

Creativity: 25/25 I've never seen a test done like this before and great job using the NCO and Enlisted difference by adding in the higher authority. 

Presentation: 25/25 Nice job on that format and making it in the file formating make's it look nice. 

Writing: 25/25 No major grammar errors and I won't deduct you for the smaller ones as you have a lot of other detailed writing that makes up for it. 

Test quality: 100! Exceeds Expectations!

Extra Notes: Great job Lee! Try to learn more though! One thing you are going to need is the ability to get info Fast as MTF do not waste time! 



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