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SCP 513 Test Log


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Lore Name:  Dr. Garlic
Rank: Dr. Bright
SCP: 513

Question / Idea: How will D-5013 react when 513 is rung?
Background Research: SCP-513 is a cowbell with a shape that somewhat resembles a trapezoid. Upon ringing SCP 513, SCP 513-1 is produced. According to past tests, SCP 513-1 is a tall humanoid figure that often appear that at subject who rung the bell's peripheral vision. 
Hypothesis: Upon ringing the bell, the subject should be effected by SCP 513's product: SCP: 513-1.  After one hour of exposure, the subject should start to report instance of SCP 513-1.

Observations (What Happened During Test): After taking D class: D-5013 to SCP 513's containment chamber, the subject was greeted with SCP 513. Upon equipping the escort guard SM Succ and myself with earmuffs, D-5013 was given the go-ahead to ring the bell. Upon ringing the bell, it was strange to discover that D-5013 wanted to ring SCP 513 repeatedly almost as if it was a toy. (D-5013 has been reported to possess quite a childish manner and thus, dismissing such strange behavior as trivial) Within 1 hour (1 min in-game), D-5013 stated that he indeed have been encountering SCP 513-1. However, unlike the previous described incident, D-5013 appears to have little to no effect after coming in contact with SCP 513-1. (It is possible that individuals with a trait that somewhat resembles a happy personality may remain longer in the normal mental state before entering a state of sleep deprivation and extreme anxiety). Interestingly enough, D-5013 remained determined and showed no signs of sleep depravity or extremely anxiety, in fact, it would almost seem that SCP 513 had no effect on him despite the constant appearance of SCP 513-1. Unfortunately,  upon retrieving D-5013 from SCP 513's containment chamber, D-5013 and MSGT Succ was KIA by Sarkic member raiding on sight. Dr. Bright, as usual, was unharmed throughout the Sarkic raid Process. 
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

Audio Log:

D-5013: So this is the cow bell?

Bright: Yea...

Bright: Okay, so what you are going to do is ring the bell *walks behind SCP 513*, though this broken container alright?

D-5013: Mk...

D-5013: Proceed to ring the SCP-513*

NOTE*: D-5013 is seen wiggling SCP-513 playful causing the bell to ring multiple times. MSGT Succ was sent to stop and restrain D-5013 from ringing the bell

D-5013: Yo, I'm not finished yet, lemme ring the bell more!

MSGT Succ: Once is enough, you don't have to spam it.

Note*: It can be heard from the footage that MSGT Succ is attempting to uncuff D-5013 so that he can resume full control

D-5013: Aight that better...

Bright: So, we are going to leave you here for about an hour, and tell me what you see alright?

D-5013: Okay...

Note*: Audio log can be heard cut | Resume audio log approx. 1 hour

Bright: Okay, so one hour have past, tell me what you see

D-5013: Hmm, well, there is a tall ass dude right there *Points at empty wall*

Note*: Bright and MSGT Succ had no effect of SCP 513's influence and thus, they do not see SCP 513-1

Bright: Okay...

Note*: At this point, gun shot can be heard outside SCP 513's CC

Bright: You heard that? I think we are being raided

MSGT Succ: Yea, lets escort the D-class out and head back to LCZ

Note*: Bright can be heard swiping the keycard and seemingly two hostiles with shotgun (Sarkic) Immediately fires at bright effectively disabling him for the time being. Voices can be heard shouting and shooting 

MSGT Succ: *Shoots incoming Sarkic Prophets*

Note*: It can be heard that MSGT has been hit and was ultimatly finished off by Sarkic Prophets

D-5013: *Shouting/Screaming*

Note*: Derived from the audio log, D-5013 was also terminated by raiding personnel in the process

Note*: Sarkic members can be heard speaking and follows a shotgun blast of what it seems to be directed at the recorder

Note*: Recorder rendered completely useless after the arrival of damage control team |  Damage control arrived on scene to discover the corpse of MSGT Succ and D class D-5013.

End of audio log***





Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It would seem that SCP 513 - 1's appearance is almost certain after hearing the sounds produced by SCP-513. However, each person's mental capacity can reflect off of how long the person may last before entering a state of complete/irreversible sleep depravity and extreme anxiety. In the case of D-5301, he presented a strong mental state thus lasting longer than avergae D-class personnel. It was a shame that he was KIA.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes...

My first research log post 🙂

Edited by Garlic

I'm Just a Big Tom and Jerry Fan. 



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