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SCP-999 singing training


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Lore Name: Eem

Rank: Researcher

SCP: 999


Question / Idea: Can SCP-999 sing?

Background Research: None, basically it can do sounds so I thought to test if it can recognize notes

Hypothesis: SCP-999 can sing well enough or can learn to sing if trained


Observations (What Happened During Test): I brought a guitar and played some notes. SCP-999 tried recreating them using its voice. SCP-999 hit F4, H3 and D4 notes (from piano's scale) with a burbling noise but failed to reach D3 . Overall, it did pretty well and was awarded for it.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It failed to hit the D3 note. It was probably due to stress or not enough training. I believe we can teach it to sing

Was Your Hypothesis Correct? Yes, it did sing the other notes, so I count it as a success!

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Ok this is the funniest test log ive seen so far!

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