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Foxx's Security Juggernaut Application


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1. What is your in-game name?: Foxx

2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:444045224

3. Current Rank in Security: SFC

4. Time on the server: week and a half

5. Current level: 62

6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 9

7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?:  None

8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: DHFTO CPT Comet, STARS MAJ Jameshi

9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: I have

10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS):
The reason why i think  I deserve this job is  first I have had past experience in these kind of positions  and can handle the responsibility of it. I have been active almost daily usually during the late night. I stay on for hours at  a time and I'm always trying to keep d block in check. When I'm on GenSec or any job but D class I take it seriously . With my experience in other branches proves my capability of how I can assist the Foundation better having this job. I have been part of CI for a while, E11 currently and plan on staying,, Been GenSec when I first joined GL and I returned to GenSec once again, and Finally I used to be a Scientist but I was good at Combat for Self defense. With the Juggernaut class being have a good weapon selection and good health and armor would increase my chances of survivability of keeping d block in check. And last but not least is the I want to help out GenSec more than where I am and help keep the Foundation secure. I would assist MTF unit (with WO+ permission) with what they need. 

11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?:

I looked through the Juggs weapons and the weapons that would be useful for a pinpoint target (not 100% good) would probably be the CZ. It's a small SMG and had not as much kick back as the LMG and Nova guns with a good fire rate. Also the CZ eliminates health of all D class including CCs. The CZ is also good at taking out the basic CI and good for Pocket shots at 939. The LMG tho is good for mowing down anything (needed to at it)


Notes : I know I have a rocky past with IMP RP but I have changed over a while and I'm sorry for any trouble I caused on IMP RP.

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