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SCP 280 buff - Denied


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What are you suggesting? -  I personally think that SCP 280 should get some sort of buff, as is it takes a minimum of twenty minutes to self breach and a maximum of thirty five if you include NLR. This is a very long wait time even compared to some other SCPs who arguably can do far more with less breaching time. Not even to mention that they can be instantly contained if the lights are turned on again. As is I'll usually spend the thirty five minutes to self breach and if I'm lucky and make it out I'll spend the two minutes to break the outer CC door and then be contained at an average of one-three minuets by the lights being switched back on, usually leaving me to have found and killed one person before being re-contained. As is I don't think the long self breach is justified with how little they can do in terms of their speed, damage or overall ability. Finally with them being the highest level requirement SCP to offer they do laughably little to actually warrant needing to be level sixty five to use them. So with all that said I think they should be buffed in some way to justify the class itself, whether this be buffing movement speed and slightly buffing damage, decreasing the self breach time from twenty minutes to possibly fifth-teen or at least making repairing the lights slightly harder.

How would this change better the server? - I think it would improve the server by adding more of a need to keep the lights going and encouraging team work among MTF and others to use the maglite to re-contain 280. I also think it would encourage higher level players to actually use 280 instead of them being avoided in favor of something stronger or easier to breach with.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Increasing stats for 280 could promote mingy action with them but seeing as the requirement for using them is level sixty five; and they have only 2500 health in the event a player isn't following the RP means of four maglites I doubt that many mingy players would gain an advantage from a buff. This as well as I don't actually know how the balance of the server functions or how hard it is to change the way SCPs handle so I could be suggesting something awful.

Who would this change mostly benefit? - I think it would benefit SCP 280 as a class as well as higher level players as they would be rewarded with a better SCP at such a high level as opposed to the current 280 who can usually be a joke to re-contain or self breach with.

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - I don't have much to offer in terms of screen shots but a viewing of the MOTD for 280 can show just how long it takes for them to breach as well as how easy it can be to re-contain them.

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I've hardly seen 280's on and when I do they get recontained in under a minute. These are buffs I think would be fair.

1. Have a 3 to 5 minute timespan where the lights cannot be turned back on after 280 breaches.

2. During the timespan, make it so 280 can still be recontained with maglights. If successfully recontained, the lights go back on.

3. A breach timer decreased to 15 mins.

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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