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Ben's Onyx captain application


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What is your name? Ben

What is your rank? EP

Who gave you permission? Sully

What Squadron are you applying for?  Onyx

What can you do as the Squad Captain? I can keep Onyx organized and minge free.  A big problem SF has is that we crash into each other, as Captain I will make sure that doesn't happen with our pilots since we are better than that and should know how not to crash at all. I will give Onyx members 3 strikes and if they have 3 they are removed and if they do anything to show that they don't have what it takes to be in Onyx the'll get a strike. If they ever want to move up in Onyx I will watch over them during events to see if they have the ability to be able to move up.

What skills do you have to be apart of this Squadron? I have been flying LFS for almost a year and have been practicing tie fighter flying whenever I have free time in SF. I have done many events and shot down many ships stronger than me. When we did a FFA sim I won the first round and tied with Sully in the second round and he was in a Tie Defender and I was still able to keep up with him even in a Tie Interceptor. I do the most tryouts out of all the NCOs and Officers. I have been playing StarwarsRP for 2 years and have lead my battalions many times before and in my opinion very well.

Do you understand if you are striked you will be removed from the Squadron? Yes

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Definitely not blacklisted 

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