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682 test


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Lore Name: Michal Reece
Rank: Lead Researcher
SCP: 682

Question / Idea:I wanted to see if  the acid that builds on the outside of 035s glass chamber could possibly be more effective than using a regular acid 
Background Research: My background research was that 035s acid seems to be one of the fastest dissolving acids in the world and I thought it could be more usefull than the regular acid that we normally use to contain 682
Hypothesis:I think 682 will be better contained when we add the new acid aswell as he will become less dangerous since the acid could dissolve his appendages that help him attack

Observations (What Happened During Test): During my test I filled 682s containment chamber with the Black corrosive liquid  from SCP 294 which is the same liquid as seen on the inside of 035s glass  I filled many barrels with it and filled in the acid dispenser it was much more effective than normal acid and 682 seemed to hate it much much more than regular acid 682s appendages he tried to change the material of his skin but whatever material he changed too  couldn't  resist the acid he was increasingly aggravated  and tried to escape


Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I did not get any evidence

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):SCP-035s acid was much more strong than our current acid and it could melt every substance we put infront of it so it did a better job at containing 682
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Partially

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