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ChipDail SCP-500 and SCP-1025 Cross Test


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Lore Name: ChipDail

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: SCP-500 and SCP-1025

Question / Idea: I want to find out if SCP 500 can cure/heal the disease that SCP-1025 grants upon the D-Class personel. 

Background Research:
SCP-1025 grants diseases that the person read in the book. These diseases can be long term or short term so it all depends on what you read. 
SCP-500 A pill, that heals you from any sickness, the period in which the pill heals all depens on the sickness and how harsh it is.

Hypothesis: Depending on what the D-Class personel reads, will determine if SCP-500 will be able to heal him or not.

Observations (What Happened During Test): 
For this test I had to get 2 D-Class Personel, to make sure they test can susceed. The first D-Class Read multiple diseases and died. The second D-Class However read about asma, but as said the the D-Class Personel SCP-500 Cured it.

EDIT: After Waiting D-Class showed no signs of  asma.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I forgot to recond so here is a screen shot of me waiting to see if asma is still there

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I only saw that SCP-500 can cure Asma caused by SCP-1025, yet it is still unknown what other diseases could it cure or not.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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