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Wilbur Drive ARDM/LTAP- Accepted


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Your in game name: Frog

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:120670592

The player's in game name: Wilbur Drive

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:59954106

What did the player do: ARDM/LTAP

Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/35110054/d13375gJxtt0

What do you believe should happen to the player: Warning for ARDM | LTAP

Any extra information: If you look at the clip he becomes wanted for shooting gov as soon as I am damaged. He then LTAPs as soon as I taze him.

Here is the bLogs evidence log of the Taze and then LTAP

           ___ _ _ _       _        __                 
          / __(_) | |_   _( )__    / /  ___   __ _ ___ 
         /__\// | | | | | |/ __|  / /  / _ \ / _` / __|
        / \/  \ | | | |_| |\__ \ / /__| (_) | (_| \__ \
        \_____/_|_|_|\__, ||___/ \____/\___/ \__, |___/
                     |___/                   |___/     

[                                                              ]
[                      Evidence Box Export                     ]
[                                                              ]
[ Date:                             Thu 10/22/2020 11:35:40 PM ]
[ Exported by: SPRT Commander Frog 1RK02 (STEAM_0:1:120670592) ]
[                                                              ]
[                       Involved Players                       ]
[                                                              ]
[ Wilbur Drive                              STEAM_0:0:59954106 ]
[ SPRT Commander Frog 1RK02                STEAM_0:1:120670592 ]
[                                                              ]

[ Category / Module / ID / Timestamp / Log ]

[Stungun]       [Player Tazed]   [20910706] [Thu 10/22/2020 11:30:49 PM] Wilbur Drive ➞ Citizen gold was tazed by SPRT Commander Frog 1RK02 ➞ S.P.R.T Commander senmod.
[Player Events] [Disconnections] [20910710] [Thu 10/22/2020 11:30:51 PM] Wilbur Drive disconnected (Disconnect by user)

ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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6 hours ago, OG ICE said:


~Clear Evidence


   SPRT Staff SGT                           OG SGT                                          State MSTRSGT                                          


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