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Jordan Torres- Denied


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i appoligize for fucking up ban appeals so many times this is my first times this is the last one i will create

Steam Name: https://steamcommunity.com/id/jordantorrez sorry i dont knoe how to put steam id so i figured maybe this would help?

Ingame Name: jordan100902 i think

SteamID: again dont know how to get that https://steamcommunity.com/id/jordantorrez

Ban Length: i think it was 6 months i have 10 weeks left

Admin that Banned you: calamity 

Reason for Ban: mass rdm and nitrp  and comminty diss

Dispute: im truly sorry for what ive done and would like to play on this server with friends i used to play on it alot i dont remeber why i did it it was dumb and im very sorry to the community 

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This ban will give you an opportunity to maybe recall why you did do it so it does not occur again.

Also the dispute is 1 sentence this shows me that you put little to no effort into this appeal.

Lastly in the case that you are unbanned your steam ID is : STEAM_0:0:181519891

Which can be found by putting your steam profile in this website: https://steamid.io/

Edited by Zero X




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