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question regarding d class and foundation teaming up


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Isn't it failrp for foundation  to help D-class and D-Class help them? i'v seen D-Class and security and foundation in general teaming up to take down SCPs few times and i dont know the rules regarding this since they are supposed to kill them on sight outside d block 

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It's a touchy subject.

Think of it in a RP perspective at least so it makes a little more sense: You're about to die from being tested on, but there's an SCP loose. They ask your help to recontain it in return for having your life spared. I'm pretty sure you'd take that over getting killed by them. Once you help them, they can just erase your memory and throw you back into your cell. 


There have been times where CCs helped foundation get control of the facility. There are also times where MTF call CI for help inside the facility. 

So it's not exactly failrp, if there was an agreement made, or a ceasefire was called. 

(Everything stated above are not official rules, and must not be taken as if they are. These are simply explainations to events that can occur on the server regarding opposing branches assisting eachother, using personal knowledge and educated guesses.)




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