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Bagels RRH App


Should Bagel Get RRH?  

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  1. 1. Should Bagel Get RRH?

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In Game Name: Bagel


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96853110


Job applying for: Red Right Hand


If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: 05-9 (mostly because hes new to 05 and probably dose not have many guards.)


How many Strikes do you have: 0


Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I have always loved this server from my humble start and a Gen Sec all the way up until now. When I first got into A-1 (when it was still a thing,) I absolutely fell in love with the concept of following and protecting VIP's like 05. But when A-1 got removed I was devastated, and now that I'm in MTF and I enjoy it I want to take it one step further to RRH. Back when A-1 was still a thing I joined Nu-7, I realized that it definitely wasn't the branch for me, and that I needed some change So, I asked to transfer to A-1. And when I did I had an absolute BLAST, from the escorting to the fighting I made some memories. But when it was removed  I searched for something like it but I couldn't find anything until 2 months ago. I've been contemplating weather to post this for a while now, but I finally buildup enough courage  to say to myself  "Whats the worst that could happen?"  I want to continue to make these memories, and also help O5 make them. 


Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I have gotten a lot of experience under my belt. I know the guarding game pretty well, and now from my experience in MTF (and my pass experience in A-1,) I know how to effectively guard and fight. I'm currently holding a SSGT position in E11 witch inset the highest but I do have a lot of experience in other branches. I also understand how to properly engage in the SeriousRP that would be required out of me, as shown by my previous A-1  spot. Overall I think I would be a great choice for this position due to my previous experience as an A-1 member, I know when to turn a Semi-SeriousRP situation into a SeriousRP situation, and my fighting and guarding knowledge and skill. I hope to  work with the O5 team soon! 

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