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Twix's Personnel File

Right Twix Bar

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Foundation Terminal Access

Version 1.4.2
















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Personnel File: Right Twix








Confirm Level 3 Clearance...





Pass code: [REDACTED]




Accepted, Welcome [REDACTED]




Opening Personnel File: Right Twix




Error. Cannot access updated file. Opening archived file.






File opening
Error. File corruption found. Continue to open file?




Open file




File opened



------------------------------- Personnel File: Right Twix -------------------------------


Name: Right Twix a.k.a Twix

Current Rank: MRM

Home: [REDACTED], Arizona

Current Residence: Site-05


History: Twix joined the foundation [File Corruption]. He was found in his hometown after [File Corruption]. Once they were contained and amnesticizing efforts began, [File Corruption][File Corruption] and joined Medical. [File Corruption] but slowly worked his way up. After 12 years of work in Medical, climbing the ranks, he reached where he is today.


Current Achivements: 

[File Corruption]


File History: 

Changes made on 9/20
Changes made on 10/10
Changes made on [File Corruption]



Close File




File closing

Error. Cannot close file.




System overheat detected.





System not responding




Connection Terminated due to system crash

Edited by Right Twix Bar

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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