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I did a post hitting 100 posts, and 200, so now I have to make one getting 300...


Currently SM Josh 1B65 | Trooper Josh 1T
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better then a master of one"
Recently retired USM CPT, Deputy Head Dispatcher, Police RP Moderator, POL Level 10 (High Com), CPT Josh 1L65 and SCU SGT Josh 1R65 | Staffing: Ex Senior Moderator IMPRP - Retired Moderator PRP x2, MILRP - Retired Event team IMPRP, MILRP | Biggest Ranks: Retired Storm Trooper Vice Commander - Retired COL USMC MARSOC and FORECON Head - CPT+ in all branch's of US in MILRP - Experience in 9 different Departments PRP | Member Since late 2018

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