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CI Application DrDuckv2


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In-Game Name:DrDuck



DiscordID:Name: unknown_mrshots#6473 


What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):I am not really sure what they are,but I would go with military

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?Yes I know back storys of most the SCPs in the foundation.I know lots of MTF teams such I also play secret lab and that has SCP related content and I also watch a SCP channel to keep up with all the SCP content and Facts about them.I have also played containment breach so I think I know alot about SCPS and the task forces and stuff.

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I am a great fighter if I have the right guns.I want to help this team grow and rescue lots of D class.
I am friendly to my team and I always follow the rules.I am a good sport and will help out the team in any way possible I am good at sneaking around.I remember the ways where 
i go from.I remember Lots of the signs so i know my way to LZ.I would never betray the team.I will sacrifise my self if needed in game.I like to do rps and I love to play on this server and I am very active.
So thats why you should include me in the team hope you where satisfied with the application and I hope ill be recruited in the team.


What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Well I think I am different because I tried very hard on mine not saying other people didnt but I think  as  a bit of a younger one I think I did good enough.I am not really sure.


How active can you be?I am very active on the server I at least try to be very active but I play almost every day.


Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:I dont have team speak yet but I will download it soon


*Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days

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Thanks 2

Edited by GeneralDrDuck
I made more mistakes

DEA High Command | DEA DCOS | FBI SAIC | FBI Deputy Head Instructor | Very Much Duck

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