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Dr.Mark's 096 Gas Test

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Lore Name: Mark
Rank: Researcher
SCP: 096

Question / Idea: Will gasses effect 096

Background Research: 096 i a humanoid entity approximately 2.4 meters in height. 096 has very little muscle mass ,  with analysis of the body suggesting mild malnutrition. SCP's Containment Procedures: 096 is to be contained in a cell, by a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m air tight steel cube. Weekly checks for cracks,holes, and dents are mandatory.

Hypothesis: Can amnestic gas or other gasses make 096 forget a D-Class looking at its face. Can gasses damage 096.

Observations (What Happened During Test): When 096 was amnesticised after its face being viewed by the D-Class it showed no hostility to the Class.

Gas 2: We had used necrotic gas this time causing 096 to wail in pain due to its skin being burned its a acid in gas form.

Gas 3: Gas 3 was simply sleeping gas as you would have guessed it made 096 fall asleep. We had Tried this when enraged it had not worked till after the D-Class was killed.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: We had made a D-Class check in after each gassing confirming are results.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The fact that 096 is humanoid have no resistances to gasses. 
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

Edited by verycrankyredhead

                                             Retired Research Low Command

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Grade: (B) (85%)


Test Quality:  Standard.


Lore: 15/20 I feel 096 won't forget. It's more of an animal instinct rather than malicious intent. Instinct is a self conscious thing rather than remembering to do something.


Creativity: 17/20 I love this idea. I have never seen this done. Good job. 


Presentation: 10/20 pictures help. And there's not much here.


Writing: 15/40 I saw grammar and minor spelling issues. 


Good job keeps up the good work.

The old E11 CMDR Jay 


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