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SCP-500 And SCP-513 Cross Testing (Challenge)


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SCP: 500 and 513

Question:  Can SCP-500 fix someone from seeing SCP-513's anomalies after being  rung

Background Research:

SCP-500: SCP-500 is a jar that contains 47 small red pills. Each pill is know as 500-1 through 500-47. These pills are supposed to cure every disease completely. Since this is a simple pill and can cause this harm, it is in the safe class but still needs level 3 clearance to access. Side note .

Testing has proven that SCP-500 CAN cure the diseases from SCP-1025. -Relate to SCP-500 And SCP-1025 Cross Testing (1)
Testing has prove that SCP-500 CAN NOT cure a fatal drink from SCP-294.- Relate to SCP 294 And SCP-500 Cross Testing (1)

SCP-513: SCP-513 is a rusty cowbell with no marks visible on the surface (could be due to the large amount of rust and corrosion). Any noise heard from SCP-513 will cause large amounts of anxiety in the one who heard it. People claim to feel watched or unsettled after engaging with SCP-513. Eventually, those victims start to see SCP-153-1 every so often until they start seeing it clearer and clearer. They see the shadow like figure and become very paranoid, aggressive, hypervigilant or even depressed along with the prior sleep deprivation from SCP-513-1. All cases but one has lead to the suicide of the subject under these circumstances. 

Hypothesis: Due to prior testing, I don't believe SCP-513-1 will disappear as it is not a disease but an anomaly 

Observations: After taking proper caution, we had the D-Class trigger SCP-513 so he heard it's ring. Visible distress and skittish like motions started coming from the subject. Soon into the testing the subject stated he saw a figure. Once asked to describe said figure (SCP-513-1),  he explained it as "a large shadow like figure that  kept appearing around the room." After visible degradation, the subject was then terminated due to protocol.

Evidence:  https://imgur.com/SWzAqjJ

Analysis: SCP-500 is not able to get rid of SCP-513-1 as it is not  a disease

Was My Hypothesis Correct?:  Yes, my hypothesis was correct.

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Grade: (95%)

Test Quality: Quality

Lore: 20/20
This follows lore quite well.

Creativity: 15/20
I like the idea, however this test feels unnecessary. 513's effects arent a disease, so 500 would be naturally ineffective on it, as proven in the test.

Presentation: 20/20
I like the way you made the text stand out.

Writing: 40/40
Couldn't spot any errors that needed to be brought up. Overall good job!

Founder of Aperture Science | Retired Head of Research | Retired Event Team Leader | Current Metal Head
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