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please read if you know me or have had any experiences with me.


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[by the way, this isn't a blacklist appeal nor a final goodbye or any of the sorts, just an apology]

honestly, i don't even know where to start with this one. and i don't even know if this is the right place to put this, but i just need some place to put this.

recently, i've been thinking about the server and how i've behaved, and i can sort of understand why i'm disliked to some. in fact, i already know who is going to dislike this post.

 i fool around a lot, im annoying, and i'm hypocritical. i started to play this policerp server about a week ago, and i honestly love it. whether its getting into cop chases or busting down doors as a police, it feels great, and i now can understand why for some i spoil the experience.
this isn't my first rodeo with GL. I've played their SCP-RP server for about a month 1/2, and of course, have played their policerp server. back when I was more immature, I had a mindset, and that was "If you take a game seriously as if it was real life, then you are a moron.". This was because I thought that, well, it's a video game, so therefore people should also treat it as a game. now that I've played the game and talked to people and have seen how they play, i finally understand.

it's not about how you play a game, it's about how you experience the game.

I may be inaccurate here, but from my understanding this is why people play the way they play and why the server is made the way it is. i used to think it was because everyone on the server were jerks, and that they just had a bad personality. but it's not true, it's the opposite. the reason the act the way they act towards me is because i break their experience of playing the game, and i know understand. I am sorry if i did break the immersion, i'm sorry if i spoiled your experience playing the game, and i'm sorry if you dislike me. I will try to change my mindset starting today, and I will try to be less of a bad person.

thank you for reading my post, and i will you all of luck.

might be a furry but might also not be


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