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Mark's First Test


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Lore Name: Mark
Rank: Junior Researcher

Question / Idea: To see if Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva caused by reading 1025 would prevent the effects of 012, as the D Class wouldn't be able to move. 
Background Research: SCP-012 has the effect of forcing anyone who comes into contact with it to dig their fingers into their wrists in an attempt to complete it. This kills anyone who is under it's effects via blood loss. SCP-1025 is a book containing nearly every medical condition recorded. Once an article is read, the ailment is contracted by the reader. 
Hypothesis: Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva would stop the physical effects of 012, and will probably drive the subject insane. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): We dragged 3 class D subjects into SCP-1025. Upon reading the article on Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, the first Class D was struck with said ailment. We treated the third one with amnestics and released him back into D Block. We then led/dragged the 2 remaining class D subjects to 012. Because the first D class was unable to move, we had the healthy D Class drag him into the room, and right next to 012. The healthy D class, after dropping the other off into the room, was vexed by the note, and subsequently attempted to finish the sheet. Needless to say, he succumbed to bleeding of the wrists. For a short time, the D-Class struck with Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva screamed about the note and trying to finish it, although was unable to move beyond speaking. At first, we thought he was going to survive the test, but miraculously, he managed to slowly claw out his own wrist after what seemed like an incredibly painful process lasting over 5 straight minutes. He was unable to write on the note to any extent, although this did not save him. His fate was not unlike the other D Class. 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It seems that the effects of 012 was able to overpower the physical ailment caused by 1025, although not completely. I'm not entirely sure how the D Class managed to power through, but it is presumed that the psychological effects of 012 are able to overpower the body's limitations to the greatest possible capacity. More testing on it's abilities may be necessary.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:  My hypothesis was wrong, as somehow the D Class powered through Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, and was able to successfully open his wrist, however was not able to actually write on 012. 

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