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Jim Mcdango's R.I.G. application

Jim Mcdango

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Full Name (Lore Name): Jim Mcdango
Occupation(Rank): Lead Researcher 
Requested Name(i.e RIG Unit [Number] [Name]): RIG Unit 303 Eddy
Who gave you permission to apply?: Brigand and Cancer
Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum): 

I wish to be able to be a RIG so I can help other researchers with their test and also give them any advice that they need for said test. I have been with research for more than a month and have been active in the branch. I have received no warning or strikes and am well aware of the SOP and server rules. I will make sure the researcher is assisted with anything they need for their test and that they are well protected by any threats to them. I will never harm any foundation personnel and will never minge. I also want to be a RIG for the RP purposes of being a helpful robot that will assist all who request it.



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