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SCP-173 D Class mental test

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Rank: JR

SCP: SCP-173

idea: What happens when a D-Class with schizophrenia comes in to contact with SCP-173

Basic Background: SCP-173 is a statue constructed from concrete and rebar. When unobserved SCP-173 will dash to a target snapping their necks.

hypothesis: SCP-173 will react as standard to the mentally ill D-Class.

null hypothesis: SCP-173 will react differently to the mentally ill D-Class

Observation: SCP-173 did not attack the D-Class whilst it was inside the containment chamber, instead sitting across from the subject whilst "communicating with it". After two attempts of locking The D-Class in with 173 the D-Class was removed and given amnestics.

Conclusion: It is currently unknown as to why SCP-173 reacted differently to the mentally ill D-Class but research is ongoing.

Edited by Watashi no chin chin
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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  15 /20 

Not the most creative test in the world. However this could be expanded on. Test out D-class with different mental illnesses and report the results


Presentation: 10 /20

Very basic document. Not alot of detail. There is room for improvement here

Writing: 40/40

No issues here


TOTAL: 85/100

Grade: B


overall: Standard

Former DHOR Tomato

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