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Doctor Nostradamus Logs #1

Private Marksmen

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Doctor Doctor Nostradamus AKA SCP - 049

Today I had two scientist bring me a patient to examine. Like usual he had the plague of life but I also found him with Castleman disease. I attempted to cure him of this disease but only manage to cure him of the plague. The scientist then took him away, cut off his legs then brought him back for me to make him implants. I agreed and attempted the implants but I had failed miserably. They then took him and tried to cut out his eyes but like all of my patients he had expired. I had not gotten the name of the patient either. I believe they wanted to see how good I was at surgey. I think my failure was due to the disease he had. Never the less they will probably still doubt my skills after this.

Edited by Private Marksmen
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