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SCP-096 / SCP-008 "Scopophobia"


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ITEM #: SCP-096 w/ SCP-008.

Object Classes: Euclid & Keter

Escort: RFC Operator, Security Sergeant.

Class-D used: D-9283 (Deceased)

Experiment: Will SCP-008-1 trigger or react to SCP-096? Will SCP-096 respond to an entity with no higher brain function?

Results: D-9283 was instructed to enter SCP-008s containment area. He quickly became an instance of SCP-008-1, and attacked SCP-096 upon sighting. SCP-096 enraged and began attacking SCP-008, but eventually gave up after multiple hits from both sides. SCP-096 returned to a corner and began weeping.


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