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Junior Researcher REDACTED's Cross Test of SCP-173 and SCP-066


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Grade: [85] 

Test Quality: Standard


Lore: 10/20: So I have the same thing to say about this that I did on your last log. For the background research section, you're basically just saying - "I did background research" At least in this log you mentioned more of what your background research included, but it would be good to see an actual description of the SCPs. Because it's slightly better, I will give an extra 5 points to this score.


Creativity: 20/20: This is a creative test. I like the idea of trying to use 999's eyes to contain 173.


Presentation: 20/20: Gonna quote myself from your last log since your presentation/format is the same"TBH I'm kinda conflicted about this one. From an objective point of view, you obviously spent some time putting your log in a google doc and formatting it a bit. You also changed text colors. From a subjective point of view however, your choice of format/presentation doesn't really sit well with me. I mean basically it's something that could have more or less been pasted form the forums into a google doc. The font is also super big in my opinion. You did include a audio log which I like. However, since you clearly put time into it, I'm not going to subtract any points for my subjective taste."


Writing: 35/40: Gonna quote myself again from your last test log since I have pretty much the exact same feedback  - "There are a lot of problems with the writing that I feel could be fixed if you read it over once. First of all, the sentence structure is pretty confusing and poorly organized and sounds more like a stream of consciousness than a test log that was thought out and organized. Next time proof read the log. This being said, it's not terrible and there is certainly a lot of content in your log and your punctuation is good. Your audio log as really good though!"


Final Thoughts: Just try to organize your thoughts a bit better and improve your background research section Otherwise, this is a good test!

Edited by TheBrigand

Italian Boss Vincent "Vinny" Vincenzo     /   Research Command    /    O-5 Council Research Staff


Sixx's Pussy is NOT mediocre even if SMT says it is!

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