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Effects of SCP-343 on Previously Unexposed Individuals


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Knowledge Test


Name: Associate Researcher Jay & Associate Researcher Lamp

Rank: AR & AR

SCP: 343 (AHER)

List of Personnel involved in testing: AR Jay, AR Lamp, Tau-5 Taco

Level D Personnel involved(if any): Dboy Sygo, Petroxia

Risks/Safety Precautions: Unknown, estimated SAFE

Background Research: In previous interviews, SCP-343 has both identified as, and been recognized as the Abrahamic God, Yahweh

What I’m teaching/testing: Testing the effects of conversation with 343 under controlled circumstances with individuals previously unexposed to and unaware of it's existence.

Setup: A secure interview room with two (2) chairs and One (1) table was set up, with observation positions from the outside for the participating researchers. An MTF guard was posted on the door. D-Class were let inside the room with 343 with the only given instructions to sit in the chair opposite 343 and participate in a conversation. Both D-Class were interviewed beforehand and neither professed any religious beliefs.

Observation: D-class Petroxia appeared shocked and jubilant and the appearance of 343, and his elation only grew throughout the conversation, he exited the test professing extreme faith and joy.
D-class Sygo entered the test looking weary and reserved, but throughout the conversation with 343 confessed to the murder of his two children and pledged his penitence, while begging for forgiveness. 343 offered conditional forgiveness based on his future behavior.

Conclusion: The D-Class were notably effected by the presence of 343, A longer term study without the administration of amnestics after testing may be a potential way of ensuring higher rates of D-Class compliance.

Addendum: In the process of returning D-Class Sygo fell to his knees crying for his deceased children, praying to his newfound lord. 343... Appeared for lack of a better word, and disappeared just as quickly - leaving what seemed to be a newborn child in his wake.
Said lifeform was naturally incinerated as per HAZMAT protocol, and the D-Class is none the wiser after Amnestics.


// The D-Class with the name starting with P left before I started writing this so I just took a rough guess at his name, sorry for getting it wrong if I did.

//Sorry about the double post.

Edited by Lamp
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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  15 /20 

Not the most creative test in the world


Presentation: 18 /20

Very basic document. However lots of details. Well done. There could be some style and images added. Dont be afraid to got he extra mile.

Writing: 40/40

No issues here


TOTAL: 93/100

Grade: A


overall: Quality

Former DHOR Tomato

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