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Major 173 CB incident.


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Name: JR Cogwell

Rank: JR

Clearance Level: 2

Date of Incident: 13/04/20

Describe the incident: We were headed to 173 for an experiment, the guards were there, there was 1 scientist in the control room, Everything was prepared, only until we were getting the d-class ready, a strange sort of electrical problem occured, to this time its still unknown what caused it, but the door opened, we were still looking away, so 173 headed to the control room, snapped the scientists neck, then snapped the escorts neck, and killed the D's, one D escaped however, causing a minor containment breach, Defcon 4 was initated as protocol states, and we were okay.

List classes of SCP(s) involved: SCP-173.

Immediate complications due to the incident: Large number of deaths, unable to continue with test.

Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): None.

Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): MTF decided it was enough of this breach, so they escorted 173 back to his cell

Resolution towards incident: Standard protocls.

How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Very bad, since 173 killed our only protection, but luckily i got out of there.

Extra Information: Still don't know what caused 173's door to open.

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Grade: 80% (B)

Test Quality: Standard

Lore: 15/20

Would have like to see more background research and a little more information in general in this area

Creativity: 15/20

This seems more like an incident report than a test log. Very little new information is gain by the Foundation from this test. I am still not sure what the original idea for the test was before the electrical problem occurred.

Presentation: 18/20

Seems well organized and ideas are separated properly.

Writing: 32/40

The description has punctuation mistakes, and doesn't read entirely well. Also, would have liked to see some more detail in certain places. For example, "Resolution towards incident: Standard protocls." I would have liked a little more detail there on exactly what happened. Sometimes small details can make a huge difference. I also would have liked to see more detail about the electrical problem. If more details were logged, it would be much easier to create a hypothesis about why and how the electrical problem caused the breach.

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