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Pedro SCP 066 Test


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Lore Name: Pedro

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 066

Question / Idea: Can SCP 066 understand directions?

Background Research: SCP-066 is an amorphous mass of braided yarn and ribbon weighing approximately one kilogram. Strands of SCP-066 may be taken individually and manipulated; when this is done, a note on the diatonic scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) is produced by the object.

Hypothesis:  If SCP 066 is given directions and follow them will that make it easier to contain it?

Observations (What Happened During Test):  The D class asked 3 different directions to the SCP. He was only able to properly do one of them.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):  Maybe the SCP was a bit intimidated. A factor in this that could have influenced the SCP was possibly how loud you said the directions,etc.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct? Semi-Correct

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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity: 15  /20 

Not the most creative test in the world, but still it was fine.


Presentation: 15/20

This is your first test so i wont take off too many points for presentation. Just dont be afraid to include more details in later test logs.

Writing: 35/40

No issues here. Just a bit short


TOTAL: 85/100

Grade: B

Former DHOR Tomato

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