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Warn Appeal on DropperLemon- Accepted

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Your In-Game Name: Sneaky Buggar

Your SteamID: 0:142288020

Staff member's In-Game Name: DropperLemon

What did they do?

I would like to start by saying this is purely in the hopes of getting a warn, that I feel is unfair, removed. I do not want DropperLemon punished in any way as I understand that he deals with a lot of minging as a staff member and it is easy to just throw a warning at someone in the hopes they will stop messing around. Usually, I wouldn't even appeal a warn but I now have several warns for various different reasons which in my personal experience affects how I am treated by staff in any future sits. Simply put I am trying not to build up anymore warns. 

Now I would like to give a short brief to what my case will be here. I believe I was unfairly warned, I believe DropperLemon had a bias in his judgement and I believe this warning was harsh and undeserving. I was warned for FailRP and Prop Block. This was due to me placing a fading door connected to a keypad in front of another player's door. I did this as I had just finished a raid (adverted over) and I saw police outside. I thought if I put a door in front of his they wouldn't realise I had just raided a base as they couldn't see I didn't own the door behind it. Normally I understand this is a clear violation of the rules. However, the reason I thought I was allowed to do this was I actually owned the front and only entrance door to the whole building (cinema). I had been told just earlier and by the same Admin (DropperLemon) that to own a building and therefore be allowed to place props in it, such as a fading door, I had to own the front door. This led me to believe that by owning the front door I would be allowed to place the prop. If the rule I had been told was applied here then I would have been perfectly fine to place the prop. Dropper informed me this time, however, that owning the front door rule does not actually apply and that to be allowed to place props inside a building you must be the first person to buy a door in the building, which I was not. I feel warning me for this is extremely harsh and unfair as I was following advice given to me by this same Admin.

Now I don't want to create any holes so I will explain the whole story and try to be as neutral as possible.

A few hours prior to the warning I was pulled into a sit with a different admin and DropperLemon. This was due to me buying a door inside another player's base and creating a "mini base" inside. I was told this is not allowed and to delete my props. I deleted my props first without any argument. I was then asked to sell the door to which I asked: "what rule specifies that I cannot own a door inside another player's house". I was informed that my door classified as his base as he owned the front door. I was told by Dropper that whoever owns the front door is the official owner of every door inside and is the only one that can place props or allow other players to place props. Dropper does claim he thought the other admin possibly said something about owning a door first as well but I disagree with this and he admitted to me he wasn't actually sure. I did take a few minutes to sell the door as I said I wanted to be directed to the rule that states what they had told me, which they could not provide. After the other admin admitted that they weren't really sure if there was a rule for this and he just wanted me to sell the door I did then sell it myself and thanked him for being honest. This was not to cause an argument but was in the hopes I could learn more about the rules as I had never heard of this rule before. DropperLemon believed I was being argumentive and told me if I didn't sell it immediately he would warn me for refusing staff orders. This feels slightly abusive as the only reason I hadn't sold it was because I was asking what rule they were applying here to further my knowledge of the server rules. I feel as an admin if you are going to force someone to do something that you should be able to provide what rule is being broken rather than take the "I'm the admin and you will do as I say, no questions asked!" approach.

After this incident, I was pulled into 2 more sits with Dropper as a player felt I was harassing them but they were both dismissed for lack of proof or genuine harassment. I do feel that having 3 prior sits throughout the day with me had Dropper itching to warn me for something despite the previous three occasions being dealt with and cleared up. He did have a small outburst at me in the final sit accusing me of minging throughout the day and attempting to bend the rules. I feel this biased state of mind coming into a sit is unfair as these previous sits did not end in a warn and my name had been cleared in them. If he expects me to "bend the rules" then how am I suppose to give a reasonable defence that he won't just dismiss as "bending the rules again". Secondly, if he feels I am bending a rule to clear my name that is due to unclear and unspecific rules that are poorly written and difficult to practice. I did not make the rules I just ask that I be treated under their guidelines.

Finally comes the sit I was warned for. I bought the front doors to cinema believing it to be empty at the time. After exploring further, I discovered another player had bought the doors to a room inside my base. I raided this door inside my base and discovered bitcoin miners. I finished the raid and adverted over. As I was coming out I saw the police gathered at my front door so before they could come in I quickly tried to create my own fading door in front of the other player's door inside my base connected to a keypad to cover my tracks. Within seconds DropperLemon appeared and took me into a sit. It turned out he had been watching me for the past 10 minutes waiting to "catch me out". Once again showing a clear bias against me and an eagerness to warn me. He told me to delete the props which I did without question. He then told me he was going to warn me for this. I, of course, protested that I was following the rules he had told me and that to be warned is hypocrisy and clearly unfair. I showed him I owned the front door and that under the rule he explained to me meant I could build in this base and that technically the other player's door was mine. He then told me that owning the front door does not make you the owner of the inside building and that whoever owns any door within a building first actually is the owner of everything automatically and that prevents anyone from basing outside their room. He admitted he did tell me that owning the front door was the way to own a base but still decided that I should be warned for following a rule he told me about. I tried to explain that the warning was totally unnecessary as I simply wasn't aware of this very intricate door rule that seems to not actually be posted anywhere in the motd. I tried to explain that I was just following his guidance but he wouldn't have it and gave me the warn. He advised me to take my complaint here and that is what I did. 

I feel this warn is unfair for the following reasons:

1. He has displayed a clear bias against me which may have altered his decision to warn me unfairly.

2. I was following his guidance and going off a rule he had told me and a rule he then backtracked in order to warn me.

3. The player I was raiding and placed the prop in front of actually came by the sit and said to the admin he didn't think I should be warned.

4. I didn't actually prop block as it was a fading door which could be opened and would have been given a keypad on the other side if I wasn't immediately pulled into a sit while I was setting it up.

5. The rule I am being warned for I can't even find in the motd. Nowhere does it state "To own a base you must be the first person to purchase any door on the property".

6. Even with the other points aside, to warn me for this was extremely harsh given the confusion about the rules on both sides. Surely the right way to go here would be to lecture me on the correct rule rather than punish me for following an incorrect rule that was told to me by this same admin on the same day.

Evidence (REQUIRED): There's not much evidence to give as this is mostly to do with unfair reasoning behind a warn. I asked Dropper if he would admit that he told me the front door rule which he agreed to and I am sure he will collaborate the other quotes I used from him.

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Please do not punish DropperLemon in any way. I do not want this to hurt his reputation or set him back in his staff career. All I want is for this warn to be reviewed based on the points I have given and to be removed from my profile. Thankyou for reading this and I hope that the time I have taken to write this shows I am not just a minge and that I am trying to keep within the rules to the best of my ability.

I have been advised the Evidence is slightly lacking but I am not sure what other evidence I can bring in, the Staff member has agreed to testify to the quotes I have used and so long as he agrees to the quotes I have provided there isn't a whole lot more I can give.


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I’m moving our conversation over here,@I AM USING AN XBOX CONTROLLER. There is a different format for appealing a warn. You’ll need to screenshot the warn in that format. Secondly, to find your steam ID just hop on any server open your console and type status then you can copy and paste your steam ID (that’s the simplest method in my opinion). Thirdly, to delete a message just edit it and go up to moderation actions and hit “delete” (moderation actions is before you even start typing). 

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25 minutes ago, October said:

I’m moving our conversation over here,@I AM USING AN XBOX CONTROLLER. There is a different format for appealing a warn. You’ll need to screenshot the warn in that format. Secondly, to find your steam ID just hop on any server open your console and type status then you can copy and paste your steam ID (that’s the simplest method in my opinion). Thirdly, to delete a message just edit it and go up to moderation actions and hit “delete” (moderation actions is before you even start typing). 

Okay I believe that should be it all fixed

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Nobody take my head off yet, because I was there before the server restarted. I believe it's a case of confusion, as the golden rule I have always known is to make sure 1 door (but all should be) owned by the same person/family. Of course, as where everyone is after a long day of stress and being upset, sometimes staff (dont lie) do get a little irritated and do things a little extreme. I've done it, and im sure many others have done it as well. 

I think the warn should be removed as everything got talked about last night before the server restart and Buggar here seemed to understand fully what to do the next time an instance like this arises. 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

|| Proud Member of GamingLight since March 2018 ||

|| Former MTF Alpha-1 MAJ || Former NSA Director || Former MTF E-11 CPL || Former SWAT CMDR ||

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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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