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SCP-1162 Value Differentiation Testing


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Format for Research Test Logs
Lore Name: Cartoon
Rank: JR
SCP: SCP-1162

Question / Idea: Does SCP-1162 differentiate what item will be "found" based on the perceived worth of the item "lost"?
Background Research: SCP-1162, when reached into, will result in an item that the subject has previously lost being found, but with them losing an item currently on their person. 
Hypothesis: SCP-1162 differentiates on what item is retrieved based on the perceived value of the item lost.

Observations (What Happened During Test):

D-1162-1 was given 50 cents to hold in his hand. Subject activated SCP-1162, and retrieved a pair of designer sunglasses. 

D-1162-2 was given 50 cents to hold in his hand. Subject activated SCP-1162, and retrieved a kitchen knife. Subject terminated by attending security.

D-1162-3 was given 50 cents to hold in his hand. Subject activated SCP-1162, and retrieved a small metal bolt.

D-1162-4 was given 50 cents to hold in his hand. Subject activated SCP-1162, and retrieved a golden pocket watch.

D-1162-5 was given 50 cents to hold in his hand. Subject activated SCP-1162, and retrieved a rubber band.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:

D class subjects, each with an item considered to be of roughly equal worth to each subject, activated SCP-1162. D-1162-4 pictured above.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-1162 does not differentiate based on the relative value of the item lost. The relative value of the items found was drastically different from person to person. Although something of note is D-1162-2 retrieving a weapon. It's unknown if this was merely coincidence, or if SCP-1162 somehow was influenced by the current desires of D-1162-2. Further research may be necessary. 
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, SCP-1162 does not change it's "found" items relative worth based on the relative worth of the item "lost".

Edited by Cartoonjunkies
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  • Head Admin

Grade: B (85%)
Test Quality: Standard
Lore: 20/20
The test is well done in regards to following SCP-1162 lore mechanics.
Creativity: 20/20
An excellent question to bring up; Have yet to see this before. 
Presentation: 15/20
Presentation is nothing special and meets the format requirements. Imagery was a nice touch 
Writing: 30/40
The essentials of the test and test results meet the basic requirements. However, there is room for more depth.
For example; In the observation you didn't question the D Class on the importance of the items they pulled out. (Or didn't add it)
Which in turn could have added to your Analysis/Conclusion. 

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