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BigBoiOmar's Old Warn Appeal


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Your In-game: BigBoiOmar

Your SteamID: 76561198161297702

The admin's name in-game: LT Lucher The IV

What warning(s) did you receive: Lying to staff, FailR

Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED):Warns.png.6859d2d511650eea640a3afb9039210f.png

Why do you think this warn was false: Its really old, almost a year now, and I don't want this old mingy self of mine to reflect how I am today. In the past, I wasn't really that committed to any server , and just being an overall ass. But as of these 3 -4 weeks, I have met a lot of people which I am having fun with, and I am getting closer to the community. I am going to be appealing 5 other warnings in the coming weeks

 Any extra information:No

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