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SCP-999 Date-9/26/2019


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Rank: Junior Researcher

Clearance Level: 3

List of Personnel involved in testing: 2

Level D personnel involved: 2

SCP: 999

Errors and/or safety hazards: M1911 Placed in D Class's hand.

Question: Will SCP-999 attack a person if necessary?

Background Research: SCP-999's Document.

Hypothesis: SCP-999 Will try to defend the D Class and not attack, similar to pacifists.

Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/924795650018014256/8D23E86B47BA0CD394DF1C075B77A77A1C542EAD/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true

Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-999 defended D-1001 when D-1000 fired a bullet at him from a M1911 Colt. But what I didn't aspect is SCP-999 encased D-1000 in a orange slop that we didn't know SCP-999 could even produce. So SCP-999 Saved D-1001 and subdued D-1000.

Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Not really align but it was close so I would say yes.

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This is an interesting concept, but a couple more measures could be taken to be realistic. Providing a D Class with a gun would not be a good idea. It’s like handing meth to an addict, but a weapon to a serial killer. As for formatting, JRs have level two clearance, and it would be a good idea to list the full names of those accompanying you- just in case they have to prove they were with you for some reason. Interesting results, however, and a good idea for an experiment.

Current: Goofball

Former: RnD Delta Command, Foundation Doctor, RFA Agent, RRH Analyst


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18 hours ago, Schölinger said:

This is an interesting concept, but a couple more measures could be taken to be realistic. Providing a D Class with a gun would not be a good idea. It’s like handing meth to an addict, but a weapon to a serial killer. As for formatting, JRs have level two clearance, and it would be a good idea to list the full names of those accompanying you- just in case they have to prove they were with you for some reason. Interesting results, however, and a good idea for an experiment.

Thank you

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