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SCP-513 Test #1 - Research 08/30/2019


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Name: Eli

Rank: Associate Researcher

Clearance Level: 3

List of Personnel involved in testing: D-6968 (Terminated), D-0132 (Terminated), Security RCF SGT Calypso, Medic Rav3n

Amount of D class involved: 2

SCP: 513

Errors and/or safety hazards: D-6968 knew about [REDACTED] when the Director [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] passed by with MTF [REDACTED] escorts and happened to overhear the Director. D-6968 was reported to both High Command of Research and MTF Nu-7 about information regarding [REDACTED]. D-6968 was given Class E amnesics, I did ask if the Class-D Personnel was to be terminated. High Command requested not to do so however when Nu-7 was told (which one was located in D-Block) he immediately terminated D-6968. D-0132 was also terminated by Nu-7 when back in D-Block when he was released in the security area next to the exit gate to go back through the doorway back into D-Block. I had reported to him as well with the question of should D-6968 be terminated even when he was given Class E amnesics. He stated that, "He knew about Redacted information anyway". When questioned as to why Nu-7 terminated D-0132 even when stated he was given amnesic and released in GenSec area to head through the door to head back into D-Block he stated, "He was over the line anyway" Personnel's name was MTF Nu-7 MSGT Fear B312

Question: Will a blind subject still be able to see SCP-513?

Background Research: SCP-513 is a rusty cowbell with no inventive marks or engravings visible on its surface due to the large amount of corrosion. Attempts to remove the rust chemically or mechanically have had no success. When SCP-513 is used by a subject they begin to experience strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure. Effects tend to get worst overtime with the victims who was involved with SCP-513

Hypothesis: Due to affected subjects having visions of SCP-513 when they hear the cowbell, I want to see if a blind Class-D Personnel will experience the same kind of visions as a normal Class-D Personnel. 2 Class-D Personnel will be placed into SCP-513's Containment Chamber. Before the start of the test, Containment Chamber should be fitted with sound proofing material as to not have any Foundation Personnel become affected with SCP-513's effects. Once sound proofing has been completed, by either a Technician or a Containment Technician, subjects will commence with the test with the normal Class-D Personnel (D-6968) ringing the bell with the blind Class-D Personnel (D-0132) near him. Subjects will be recorded for aprox. 24 hours before being released back into D-Block.

Addendum-513-1: Technician not available at the moment, changing testing with Earmuffs on Foundation Personnel instead.

Addendum-513-2: SCP-513's Containment Chamber appeared to have a Level 4 access scanner even though SCP-513 is available to Associate Researcher. Reported the issue to Head of Research. Had to get Foundation Personnel with Level 4 access to continue research. Issue is still pending.

Observation: D-6968 and D-0132 entered the Containment Chamber after the Technician had fitted SCP-513 Containment Chamber with sound-proofing material. D-6968 was order to begin ringing the bell with D-0132 next to him. Both Class-D Personnel began to experience the same symptoms as normal victims under the influence of SCP-513. After about 5 minutes, Class-D Personnel was vacated from SCP-513's Containment Chamber and was sent off to Medbay. D-6968 began to experience the normal symptoms like every victim of SCP-513 however D-0132 began to have a different outcome. D-0132 began to feel a presence similar to our presence but however when asked about what he could see, he told me that he still could not see anything.

Addendum-513-3: Requesting a talk with the Director of [REDACTED] about the call out of [REDACTED] name around Class-D Personnel. Request is pending at the moment.

Visual Stimuli (Photos/ videos): N/A

Conclusion: SCP-513 only appears to have minor effects to subjects who are physically blind and not be able to see SCP-513 however it does not excuse it's presence around the subject. The presence of SCP-513 only appears to be around D-0132 when he is alone or with only 3 people or less.

Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No, any subject who is physically blind is NOT capable of seeing SCP-513 although they still are able to detect it's presence.

Edited by TheMiner1001//Eli
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