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Would anyone wanna split a new CC?

Duncan  McOkiner

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Hi! I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post something like this (not even sure if it's allowed to post) but I'd be interested in buying a new CC if someone else (or multiple others) would be willing to split it. Message me on Steam if you're interested, and we can talk more about it. STEAM_0:1:69411992


This class would consist of this:


KAC_PDW, Nova, Automatic Glock (Forgot what the Glock in question is actually called, maybe Glock-18?)



$70 - Class

$20 - Nova

$20 - Armor

$20/$40 - Additional Slot(s)

--$50 - Government job--  | If you're interested in making it a government job, I'd only want to use the Deadshot model. I just think it would be really cool RP-wise. 




The models I'd want you to choose from are these: 

Supergirl (Armored Model) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1569960856

-- Deadshot - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1253717208 --

Ironheart - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1563438857




Total cost would be $130 or -- $200 --. I wouldn't be interested in making it a Gov job with less than 2 other people showing interest. Everyone would split the price equally, and I would be the one to pay for it (I.E. You would PayPal me the money, I would put donate directly to the server via PayPal). 

If we made it a Criminal job, it would be a cost of $65 each to make the class. If we made it a 3-player government job (at minimum), it would be about -- $67 -- per person to create it. 

Apart from additional armor and method of payment, anything would be negotiable (Weapon Choice, Description, Gov/Not-Gov, Extra Weapons, Custom Car, Etc). Class name would be the name of the model we choose. Remember that if we choose to be a government job, government jobs are NOT considered Tac units unless you join a Tac unit (to my understanding). You still have to work through the ranks. I'm not sure if Government custom classes are limited to 100 armor, but I believe they are.

Contact me on Steam, on the forums, or in-game if you express interest.

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