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twitty4fsus TMOD APP for Police RP


Dogs or Cats?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Dogs or Cats?

    • Dogs
    • Cats

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1.What is your in-game name?--ANONYMOUS/ANONIMOUS

2.What is your steam name?--TWITTY4FSU

3.What is your steam ID?--76561198194240867

4.Do you have any other experience with staffing?--no

5.What Date Did you start playing on the community?--February 20th 2018

6.What date did you make your forums account?--05/25/2018

7.Current rank on server?--VIP+

8.how many warns do you have on the server?--3 warns

9.Have you donated?--yes for VIP+ and the Job Pack

10.What rank are you applying for?--Trial Moderator

11.Have you read the staff guidelines?--yes

12.Timezone--Central/Alabama Time


14.Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?--I want to help with people's problems and i am a very active player i used to not play Gmod a lot because the servers were boring and it's no fun playing in single player until i found this server now i put every hour i can into this server i am kinda popular and i am getting up in the RP ranks i just love this server and i would like to help keep it a nice server,so i would like to help enforce the rules and get players thinking-No RDM-NO NLR-NO LTAP-etc. I personally love interrogations and i love hearing both side's of a story and i am very communi

15.How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?--I would try to calm them down with nice words and patience,if they continue to curse and don't calm down,I would then contact a Higher-up and we would resolve the issue of cursing before any warns/bans.Next, We would tell them what they are being warned about and then warn them(or give them a 10,000 second minge.


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  • I haven't seen you at all on the server
  • Application has no effort at all
  • Forums account is inactive
  • Improve activity and actually put effort in your applications!

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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