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Curtis Voyage Ban Request


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Your In-game: TKG Knight God
Your SteamID:   STEAM_1:0:148505512
The player's name in-game: Curtis Voyage I think first name Curtis
The player's steam name (If you know it): nope
What did the player do: He demoted me trying to get me out of the job I was like you cant do that he did /demote (name) (reason) then it votes pretty sure 

I recorded all of this but when I started he didn't do anything bad and that's bad for evidence but he did mass rdm x12 + an d broke nlr failed to advert but its a small thing shot my car plenty of times when I was on duty I shot his car here's the video I have about 8 or so .


Evidence (REQUIRED): Yes Evidence I do have and I broke my sisters promise 
What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe he should be banned but I also feel bad cause he has been on for 21 hours I remember being at that time people faulted me but here is the clip I recorded with streamlab and gmod demo but idk how to get the vid form there
Any extra information: I cant insert The video its too long I will try to put it on my steam I out a vid on my twitch heres the link https://www.twitch.tv/tkg_knightgodz I wish there was an admin but look at the time vinny joined but it looked like he was trying to gain time idk cant answer that but he didn't do anything
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