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CameronTMOD - False Warn Report


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To correct a couple things here for 1, there is no valid proof or credentials stating I didn't talk to you, and I did I was staff on duty tp'd to you because cops reported you for raid with no advert and rdm I go down the elevator to see you shooting them the second they walk out I told you "Hey you can't be doing this because you didn't advert" at the time you were very understanding of your kills, even acknowledging your shots and I quote from you speaking acrossed the room to mitchel "Oh my god i'm so good my reflexes are on point they're all dead" and the back elevator had no one rushing through it, don't lie now. I watched you exit through the back elevator and I said well, he could've done that but when they pushed and nearly got you, you did and ran out aside from this I did warn you and I would consider that a sit why take you to a roof when I saw you do it staff hand book or not, Snar, the Manager agreed your doings were wrong and that's a 100% advert situation. Also, forgot to mention you stated "Alton said it's alright and we're allowed to steal the armor and health" but you didn't just do that and run, you stayed behind as alton said and proceeded to continue killing them, however this is about you and why I believe and Snar does and most players should's believe is a warnable offense.

Wrong. You never saw Mitchel or Alton die by cops which then I further killed. Then more rushed down (NLR may I add. Which I did tell you but you IGNORED). And that quote is wrong. Never said anything like that ingame, I was talking to Mitchel on Discord so he can verify that. They were swarming the back elevator which I then killed, before you showed up. And then they swarmed the front. OH LOOK! NLR AGAIN! Me and Mitchel verified with staff members MULTIPLE times before we ever snuck in for armour and health and were told it wasn't an advert situation. So not our problem if the staff team got it wrong, huh?

We had no choice but to run down the elevator to try escape but they they swarmed and started shooting. Therefore, we had no choice but to shoot back, duh. There was 3 involved, yet you targeted me? Why did I receive a warning and the others didn't? Why didn't you take us 3 all into a sit and handle it the way you SHOULD handle it? Because you did it wrong. Then you flew away whilst I was in the middle of explaining the situation and then for some reason, CARRIED IT ON IN OOC... You weren't there for the whole situation, never let us say our side and just did your own thing. You handled it the wrong way and had no idea or proof of what happened during the situation. I did tell you to check logs to prove that they shot us all first, but you didn't. I did tell you that we were told by many staff on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS that they said we were allowed, but you didn't listen. You just flew away and carried it on in OOC instead of a sit.


If someone calls in a report, you take them to a sit, listen to their side and then bring others and listen to theres. Did you do any of that the way you should? No.

You ignored us, didn't handle it properly at all, didn't even check logs or proof and just warned me, ME. Out of everyone who was there.

Edited by tcoops
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You broke into PD to steal health and armor. It doesn’t matter if it was sneaky or not it requires a PD raid advert.

I will speak with cameron about warning with no sit, but from what you explained to me it is not a false warn.



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