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Gaminglight Opinions.

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First off this is my opinion and it can be changed so if you have a reason on what I'm about to talk about pls tell me.

Cost- Again by my opinion I think that the stuff on here costs WAY too much, Like the VIP, I feel like that's worth maybe.. $10? $15 at the most... 100% not $20!! Not all of us are able to get jobs or are even old enough but we would still like to have things like this, yeah I get the server has to be paid for but i don't think its THAT much, and the custom classes??? $60!!! and $20 to just USE one?? Why cant the owner choose the people he/she wants instead of making them pay? What if you cant trust the person with your money yet you wanna use the class? and how much it costs to add weapons? (I haven't checked in a while but I'm pretty sure its above $10)... The other thing about VIP is the props. You cant really place enough if you want your base to look good and you cant rely on other people to help, their game might crash or something else happens that causes them to leave. Maybe 35 props for non VIP and 45-50 for VIP? You might think about people building bases way too big or server la but hey I've got a 1080 and 32 gigs of ram and i run at 30 frames if I'm LUCKY on the outskirts of the city so another 5-10 down in a bad spot most likely wont hurt because we're already so used to it...

Cars: I'm not sure whats wrong with the cars but its SOOOO annoying when I'm trying to drive but the car decides to control double slow right next to a cop and you go straight into a wall and get ticketed... I don't know if it can be fixed but if a server owner or a high up admin sees this can you try to work on it or suggest it?? Most people seem to have the issue with the super delayed controls.


(ill probably add more later but I'm most likely gonna sleep now, I'm too lazy to finish)

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Prices are the way they are for a reason. This server is running as a business, and I think the prices should remain the way they are especially with Custom Classes because it has that exclusivity of owning one if we had it at $20 for a Custom class everyone would have one.

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