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Umbrella Corp News! UCN

William K

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Hello citizens of Rockford, Today is April 2nd 2018 and thank you for tuning in on this Tuesday Morning and we shall be discussing the latest news regarding the Umbrella corporation and what you need to know, today on UCN                     

Today Dictator William K, Made a most moving speech Outside of the DOC Earlier this evening with help from the SS and the Amazing Rockford police Department  as well as Umbrella Corp personal.Dictator William K was able to inspire and touch the hearts of many with a Speech that made the people Laugh and Cry here  is what he said!

People of Rockford I'm a simple man with Simple taste, I drink smoke and Jerk off in dark places just like you!, but I'm not like you at all, I'm a Gift from God to rule over people like you! Now there will be some changes in this city! NO MORE shall there be Gang activity in my city, Those "Bloods" and "Crips" are some wacky a** Ni**as and they will be removed from the city like a Cum stain off my moms bathroom towel! and we will be putting coke in the Water fountains and cameras in the Girls locker room! Now all of this sounds great but in order for this to happen we will have to tax you people ALOT! but not to much for you boys and girls to start a war over, this city will rise from the ashes that you misfits put it in and I will be the hero that this city needs and that it wants! Long live Rockford long Live Dictator William K Thank you and God bless you all!! ...oh But not the Yuki's f**k the yuki's!




When the Heroic Dictator  finished many in the Crowd went wild chanting his last sentence before walking off stage, the Dictator touched many topics such as Gang violence, homeless issue and Girl locker rooms and the yuki's? we don't know what the Dictator has in store but it looks like he has everything under control! and Rockford is in good hands!

 Thank you and that is all that we have for you as of right now, once more thank you for tuning in to UCN (Umbrella Corp News)

Edited by DadddyDonutt
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